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/ Amiga CD-ROM Collection / Amiga CD-ROM Collection - Auge 4000 and Cactus and Demo Util.iso / auge4000 / 32

Jump To: Directory (10)  |  Image (9)  |  Text (3)  |  Other (1)

Directories (10)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
c5   devs3   fonts34
fonts234   fonts324   kopierservice7
l3   libs3   s1

Images (9)

Text (3)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
hallo_freunde Text File 40 1KB 1999-04-08
inhalt Text File 18 676b 1999-04-08
wir Text File 57 3KB 1999-04-08

Other Files (1)
.info Unknown 78b 1989-02-12